lunes, 31 de enero de 2011

first day at work!

It was good. Relaxed, easy going and the most important thing: time passed fast!
here are some pics from a part of the "office"!!
I´m so dissapointed because we are moving to another office in about a month or so...

We had lunch all toguether at that table, how cool is that?

domingo, 30 de enero de 2011

house + laundry + nizamuddin + indian food

I´m going to show you my house:

The other day I was so upset because I was not able to take a Rickshaw because they didn´t want to take me that I decided to check some basic words on the net and look what I got:

Today I used for my very first time the washing machine....just have a look:

After lunch time we went to visit Nizamuddin part of Delhi. (muslim) Here we are Tina and me in the rickshaw.

Children just wanted us to make pictures of them in order to show them "their faces" in our camera. they were so friendly.
In the "bazaar" of the muslim part of Delhi.

Nice man that allowed us to take photos of him.
My first indian "food"! Thanks Susanne for the delicious election!

sábado, 29 de enero de 2011

What people never show about India.

Just a few photos of the "dark" part of India.

SATTE + Lajpat Nagar Market + German poetry + "Icecream"

Today I went with Susanne (My flatmate and work-colleague) to SATTE. A Tourism fair that takes place in Delhi.
It was so much interesting seeing how everything works he
re in India (about business).
We attend to some conferences: "Gujarat Tourism presentation" and "Orissa Tourism presentation" that were bassically about different regions of India, so the final message was quite interesting but not the way they expressed it. Some how the presentations ended rarely.

After SATTE we went back home and have a rest. Then Susanne took me to the Lajpat Nagar Street Market in order to look for some cheap shoes and cloths.
Just before the Market we went to the town centre to attend to a German poetry reunion. We arrived late so I just heard like 15 min of "poetry".
On the way home we passed by another street market that I don´t know the name but not much interesting this were there...
After that, free soft drinks and food. COOL!
And then Susanne took me for an "icecream" at Gianis in Jangpura...I ended ordering a plain brownie but her choice looked much better tht mineone! have a look!

And that´s all for today!

bubble moment

India is Hard. Very hard.
Everything is full of shit. Dust.
I feel so alone. In a bubble.
Everything is just so different.
Not being able of going out alone.
Feeling with no capacity at all to be able to move alone in the city.
So Hard.
So bloody hard.

viernes, 28 de enero de 2011

Today I decided that the sadness is not going to end with my caracter.
I decided to be brave enough to travel alone and try to caught some rickshaws by myself so I decided to go for lunch to that lovely bakary in Khan Market called "Sugar and spice". I had Chicken and olive sandwich. I forgot to ask if it was spicy and truly it bloody was, and a banana muffin! yeyyyyyy!!
I founf a 10IR note! yeyyyy!
After my nice lunch I realiced that "Urban", a kind of famous club is there.
After a while I headed to the spanish embassy and "what a surprise" it was closed.... It´s just open from 9 to 13 Mondays to fridays. COOL.
I decided then to go walking to the Lofi gardens
and check the Bara Gumbad tomb.
It was cool! I took thousands of photographs
and then I decided to go to
the national museum, but by the time that I arrived (walking) it was about to close. I arrived at 16:50 and they close at 17:00. COOL again. PLEASE helena, next time check all the timetables on the net before approching any "official place". ¬¬

Finally I decided to go (by metro this time) to the huge, massive, impressive, super posh shopping mall called "Select City Walk" (or wherever).

jueves, 27 de enero de 2011

second day in Delhi

Second day in Delhi.
I went to buy an Indian phone number and also bed-sheets.
This is a random street near my house.
Then I took the metro from Jangpura to central secretariat in order to see the Delhi Gate.

And after all that I went to Khan market and I freaked out with this:
Instead of eating there...I looked for a "local" bakery and I founf a Checken hot dog and a chocolete muffing for just 120 indian ruppis, so 2€ more or less!! yeyy!!
And that´s it for today.

miércoles, 26 de enero de 2011

1sr day in delhi.

I´m so tired I can not think in english. sorry about that.

Mi llegada en telegrama (por aquello de ahorrarme la gramática y pro tanto el pensar mas)

llego a delhi, baja el avión a tierra, pillo las maletas, y voy hacía la zona de los pasaportes y me dejan "entrar en india", voy a por mi maleta, que milagrosamente según llego aparece en la cinta.
pillo la maleta, me salgo del aeropuerto y voy hacia lo de los taxis nos entendemos, al final nos entendemos y me da dos papeles de diferente color, me dice el tipo k salga y busque un taxi negro y amarillo.......salgo y lo hago. y resulta que hay 300....los indios acercandose a leer mi papelito que llevo en la mano y yo no tengo ni puta idea de que miran, me recorro todo hasta que un indio majo majo me dice k es en la ·darsena" de taxi 37....allí que voy, me pilla el señor las maletas las guarda, me dice que suba al taxi.....nos perdemos, pero yo como ya lo he prepagado me la refanfunfla, lo unico que hago es fliparlo con lo que veo a través de la ventanilla....
llego a la dirección, dejo las maletas en la puerta y subo hasta el primer piso, llamo al timbre y me abre mi "jefa". Tambien esta en el piso mi otra compañera de piso, asi que ya somos 3. :D me ayudan a subir las maletas. deshago todo, pillo la contraseña de la red wifi, me conecto. y al dicen k se van a una fiestra de australianos, que si me apunto....yo muerta de cansancio digo k si, k por supuesto! se arreglan pillamos mi primer rickshaw y nos vamos!
jajaja, y alí he terminado, rodeada de gente expatriada en delhi bebiendo vodka.
a las 2 horas de estar en la fiesta no podía con mi alma, asi que rancieo un poco y mi "jefa" me dice k si me kiero ir a casa, asique volvemos.
camino a casa era imposible pillar un ricksaw asique como estabamos cerca, me lleva a ver la parte super mega pija de delhi, un puto centro comercial que hasta tenía zara y lladró. lo flipo. salimos del centro comercial y pillamos el rick shaw, llegamos a casa. y empiezo a escribir esto.
espero k sea interesante!

Here some photos!


I arrived safely.
I took the pre-paid taxi from the airport to my "house".
I have my room and my own bathroom.
The house have wifi.
The house have livingroom.
I´m going to a party in a few hours.

lunes, 24 de enero de 2011

last goodbyes

Everything is packed.
Last goodbyes have been said.
In 12h heading to Barajas airport.

lunes, 17 de enero de 2011

On my way!

Just yesterday I went to pick my visa up from the ARKE office in Madrid (metro PioXII).
I have the Business visa for ONE bloody year...I can enter India as many times as I need, and that means I can travel A LOT al around Asia!!!
Straight away I went to buy my ticket on and I bought my flight for the 25th of January 2011 leaving Madrid at 14:10h and landing in Delhi the 26th at 11:25h.
Just 301€ one way!!!! Cool!!!!!!

viernes, 14 de enero de 2011

Visa visa visa!!!

Today, with all my papers printed, my 3 photos, and the passport I went to the ARKE offices in Madrid.
I took the number from the machine, I waited for at least 20 minutes and finally I went to the desk 4.
The woman told me that that line that was for tourist visas so I was supposed to have a short interview with the man in the other desk.
I headed into the other desk and finally this man just read all my papers and put in the right up corner of the first one 1 year. B.
I went back to the 4 desk and then she was able to manage my visa.
I had to pay 160€ approximately and they told me I'll be informed about when to pick it up.
They told me to wait until the 17th or 18th.
So......waiting already!!!!

miércoles, 12 de enero de 2011

GoIng for the visa!!!

Today I received all the needed papers for applying for the visa so tomorrow I'll go to the ARKE office to apply for it!!!