sábado, 29 de enero de 2011

SATTE + Lajpat Nagar Market + German poetry + "Icecream"

Today I went with Susanne (My flatmate and work-colleague) to SATTE. A Tourism fair that takes place in Delhi.
It was so much interesting seeing how everything works he
re in India (about business).
We attend to some conferences: "Gujarat Tourism presentation" and "Orissa Tourism presentation" that were bassically about different regions of India, so the final message was quite interesting but not the way they expressed it. Some how the presentations ended rarely.

After SATTE we went back home and have a rest. Then Susanne took me to the Lajpat Nagar Street Market in order to look for some cheap shoes and cloths.
Just before the Market we went to the town centre to attend to a German poetry reunion. We arrived late so I just heard like 15 min of "poetry".
On the way home we passed by another street market that I don´t know the name but not much interesting this were there...
After that, free soft drinks and food. COOL!
And then Susanne took me for an "icecream" at Gianis in Jangpura...I ended ordering a plain brownie but her choice looked much better tht mineone! have a look!

And that´s all for today!

2 comentarios:

  1. What a wonderful experience!!!!!!!
    I wish you the best. Keep on writing and posting pictures. I hope you remember me, specially at the time you buy souvenirs... juas juas juas juas!!!
    Qué puta envidia (esto en inglés pierde fuerza jodía)
    Muchos besos!!!!!!!!

  2. I love you SO MUCH... you know...You are GREAT!!

